3 Exciting Hands-On Farm-Themed Activities for Preschool

3 Exciting Hands-On Farm-Themed Activities for Preschool

Preschool children love farms. They’re interested in animals and growing things, and excited to take part in farm-related activities. Farm activities are easy to include in classroom experiences for small children. Equally important, many children living in large communities rarely have access to real farms, so these activities give them a glimpse of the larger world they live in.

1. Animal Farm

A collection of farm animal toys is a good place for preschoolers to learn what kind of animals live on the farm. This opens a new world of discovery and can be combined with songs like “Old Macdonald” or games like acting the sound made by different farmland creatures. A variation on this theme is to learn about the plants that are grown there, like corn, tomatoes, and watermelons.

2. Sprouting Seeds

Another exciting farm activity is learning how plants grow. Small cups and a handful of seeds are an excellent way to learn about growing things and the importance of environmental features like rain and soil. As the weather warms, sprouted seeds can be transplanted outside so children can watch their fruits and vegetables grow and then enjoy the taste of fresh, homegrown foods.

3. Farm Math

A math-related farm activity can take a variety of forms. Children can count the number of cows in a corral, or count the number of feet different animals have, such as chickens, cows, and horses. This helps them gain a perspective of the variety of life on a farm as well as learning how vastly different animals share similar traits. Sorting, counting, and simple addition and subtraction are all part of learning through life on the farm.

Children are naturally inquisitive, and they love animals of all sorts. Learning through hands-on, farm-themed activities is an excellent way to engage small children and provides hours of entertaining, educational fun. If possible, talk with local farmers about bringing in small animals like rabbits or chicks to give the kids some real-life animal experiences.